Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Black American Caper

This is an article that I came across that was insightful and very informative. It was written some months ago but....

I would like to preface this piece by saying that I do not like classifying American people based on their race. I feel that the simple act of giving people different names based on the color of their skin only further segregates the people of our country and is almost discriminatory. However, for the sake of understanding, I will use the phrase “Black American” to refer to any people who consider themselves to be Black- or African-Americans. I do not mean this phrase to be offensive in any way, and apologize in advance if this phrase seems disrespectful.
Black Americans have long been played by the Democratic Party and it continues even today, especially since it is an election year. They have fought long and hard for their equal rights and it fills me with despair to watch how the Democratic Party is pandering and outright lying to them.
Government plays a big role in our schools, and as such, they tend to dictate history according to how they want to present it. If you go back in time and review the history books, you will see how as new editions are printed, things change. Important parts of history are rewritten or omitted. Students of today aren’t getting the full or actual facts of our history. Black Americans today are not taught the true political spectrum that took place during the time their ancestors fought for the freedom that they enjoy today. So whose fault is it that many Black Americans fall prey to the lies of the Democrat Party?
Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. He was a Republican because the Republican Party was and still is the party that has stood up and fought for the rights of black America. The Republicans fight for Black Americans started back in 1854 when they were founded as the “Anti-Slavery Party”. So, why is it that in today’s world most Black Americans claim to be Democrat?
Democrats today portray themselves as the party of hope and change for Black America but that is just a farce in which to obtain their vote in the coming election. The difference between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party whereas Black America is concerned is the Democratic Party portrays Black Americans as victims who are dependent upon the Government, and Republicans see them as people who, when afforded the same opportunities as everyone else, are capable of success and providing for themselves without the assistance of the Government.
The Democrats’ thought process is that if they promote legislation which would induce Black America to be dependent on the Government, then they would ensure Black American votes.
Looking back into American history, you will find that the Democrats wanted to keep Black Americans in slavery. They passed the Jim Crow laws and other discriminatory legislation in an attempt to deny Black Americans their rights as citizens.
  • From the 1860’s through the 1960’s, the Democrats opposed every civil rights law.
  • In 1866, the Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan.
The Republicans amended the Constitution in order to grant Black Americans their freedom, their citizenship and their right to vote. This was done under harsh disagreement from the Democrats.
  • In 1865, Republicans unanimously supported the 13th Amendment, which made slavery unconstitutional. 78 percent of the House Democrats and 63 percent of the Democrat Senators voted no.
In 1866, 94 percent of the Republican Senators and 96 percent of the Republican House approved the 14th Amendment, which guaranteed that all Americans received equal protection of the law. How many Democrats voted for the Amendment? None! Republicans were behind the civil rights legislation, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867, which protected Black Americans from legislation initiated by the southern Democrats. They helped to establish a fair government system in the south for Black Americans.
In an attempt to desegregate schools, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 but was met with resistance from members of the Democratic Party. President Eisenhower had to send troops to Arkansas to enforce the Supreme Court’s Brown vs. the Board of Education school desegregation ruling.

Democrats would have you believe that President John F. Kennedy was a strong supporter of the civil rights, but that isn’t true. As a Senator, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act as did Senator Al Gore Sr. Kennedy was against Dr. King’s march on Washington; in fact Kennedy, along with his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated under suspicion that he was associated with the Communist party. What stands out in the minds of Americans is the fact that in 1960 Kennedy assisted in getting King released from jail. That small gesture of kindness appeared to make people forget all of the things that the Republicans did in order to help advance the rights and liberties of Black America.
  • The Republicans efforts on behalf of Black America produced the first black four star generals in 1975: Daniel James and Rosco Robinson.
  • President Ronald Regan on November 2, 1983 declared Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday a national holiday.
  • President Ronald Regan also appointed Colin Powell as our first black National Security Advisor
  • President George W. Bush appointed Powell as our first black Secretary of State.
  • President George W. Bush also named Condoleezza Rice as the first black female National Security Council Chief.
Democrats like to portray the Republicans as the anti-poverty party when it comes to minorities, but let’s look at the facts: there was an increase in anti-poverty spending under Bush. The anti-poverty spending increased by 39 percent, followed by an increase of 16.3 percent of all federal spending in 2004; up from 14.9 percent in 2000.
It is perceived that the Democratic Party is more inclined to help Black America than the Republicans. I guess the question to ask is, what do we constitute as help? Are we looking for help which would ensure that we stay dependent on the government welfare programs, or are we looking for help that would promote education, job preparation and eventual independence from government programs? The Republicans share the ideology of the latter; but the Democrats turn that logic into talking points filled with negative innuendos in order to promote their need to keep Black Americans and other minorities dependent on the government. The Democrats do this in order to ensure that they, not the Republicans, get the votes of Black Americans.
America now has for the first time in history a Black American man as the President, an event that I always thought would be a shining moment for our country; an event that I thought would finally unite all races of our country, but that is not the case. Understand it was not just the Black Americans that elected our first black President, but also Whites, Hispanics, Latinos, and all other races. And yet it appears that we have become more divided than united. President Obama ran under the guise of uniting our country. He stated that, “We are not the red America or the blue America but the United States of America.” That was a good line to use in order to promote his election; however, since his election, that statement has been proven to be false.
Statistics show that most Americans are not happy with the direction in which our country is going. Most Americans do not approve of the President’s policies. These are legitimate concerns, but what does the Democratic Party do? They state that anyone who does not agree with President Obama is racist; really? Throughout history Democrats have used the race card every chance they could get. They consider it to be a useful tool, so I ask you, how can we ever really become a united front when members of our own government continue to racially divide us in order to promote their own political agenda? We are now in an election year, and what I am witnessing is beyond belief. In the Democrats’ determination to win this election, they have promoted and encouraged a racial divide amongst the American people; all the while they are sitting back and laughing at the power they have over us. In truth, they don’t care if we go out on the streets and kill each other as long as they are still in office when the fight is over.
The question is, are we as Americans going to continue to let the government determine how we should feel about one another based on their political agenda? Or are we going to be united and say, ENOUGH is ENOUGH! It is time that we the people get the last laugh because frankly, I am tired of them laughing at us. The Democratic Party is misleading Black Americans, White Americans, Hispanic Americans, and all other American people. We need to remember that the only race is the human race, and not let anyone try to tell us differently. United we are strong.The Website

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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