Friday, November 9, 2012

An Open Letter to the Ignorant Obama Voters

Dear ignorant Obama Voters,

I hate politics as much as the average person does but I need to get a few things off of my chest... I know that many of you would love to embrace and celebrate the fact that Barack Obama is serving another term in office; however, I would like to address a few facts that the majority of America knows why you voted for him in the first place. You can't afford to watch TV because you have no job to pay the bills. You can't pick up a newspaper to read it because you are illiterate. Above all, you WON'T do any of these things because you are too lazy, and you've lobotomized yourselves with ignoramous thoughts and actions.

Your mental capacity has been supressed by drugs, alchocol, and television. I can state these things clearly by the surrounding people who constantly chanted OBAMA! during election period. And sorry to say, a few of these people are indeed close friends and family and I despise them for that.. I sometimes sit and wonder why in the world do you constantly want to depend on the government to provide your food and pay for your monthly rent when there is nothing physically or mentally wrong with you. I have came to the conclusion that all you want are government handouts instead of wanting to work for your own money. Indeed, many of you don't even know that Barck's middle name is Hussein. This is very unsettling to say the least. In fact, many couldn't state how a bill is passed in Congress.

This is too Embarrassing Audio from 2008

Thursday, November 8, 2012


New Blogger! Hi everyone I would like to introduce myself in advance and welcome you to my new blog. I have yet to focus on a specific topic to talk about, so I will be updating my blogs according to how I am feeling or what topics interest me the most. I will be back shortly to update my new blog.