Friday, April 12, 2013

Dr. Gosnell Cut The Necks And Spines Of Babies After Third Trimester Abortions


On Thursday, Ashley Baldwin and Linda Williams testified against Dr. Kermit Gosnell in a Philadelphia court room with gruesome details of abortions performed in his clinic.
When Ashley Baldwin was 15, she interned at the the Gosnell abortion clinic because she had thoughts of becoming a doctor. She was paid for her time there and even assisted with administering drugs and abortions.
Baldwin, now 22, told the jury that she saw at least five aborted babies who were still alive, breathing, moving and screeching.
Reports say Gosnell regularly preformed third trimester abortions. Baldwin said one baby was so big that Gosnell joked that “this baby is going to walk me home.”
Gosnell is said to have trained his staff to cut the necks and spinal cords of the still living babies. Former employee Linda Williams says she saw the doctor cut the necks of over 30 babies.
Gosnell is being charged with seven counts of murder. He’s also being charged with one count of third degree murder for the death of a Virgina woman who died a day after receiving an abortion.
Gosnell, who has been sued over 46 times, is facing the death penalty. Williams could be sentenced to 100 years in prison. Baldwin hasn’t been charged with a crime.
gosnell aborted baby

The Atlantic reports a testimony from former employees:
“Like if a girl – the black population was – African population was big here. So he didn’t mind you medicating your African American girls, your Indian girl, but if you had a white girl from the suburbs, oh, you better not medicate her. You better wait until he go in and talk to her first. And one day I said something to him and he was like, that’s the way of the world. Huh?”
“If… a baby was about to come out, I would take the woman to the bathroom, they would sit on the toilet and basically the baby would fall out and it would be in the toilet and I would be rubbing her back and trying to calm her down for two, three, four hours until Dr. Gosnell comes.”


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cameron Harris: Gosnell Worker: I Heard Baby Scream During Live Abortion

Cameron Harris: Gosnell Worker: I Heard Baby Scream During Live Ab...: Today's testimony during the murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell was shocking to say the least.  Today, Sherry West, a former employee of Gosnell's described how she heard a baby scream during a live-birth abortion.

Gosnell is now facing multiple counts of murder for allegedly killing children after they were delivered alive at his clinic.  In total, Gosnell is facing 43 counts, including eight counts of murder in the death of one patient and seven newborn infants.  Additional charges include conspiracy, drug delivery resulting in death, infanticide, corruption of minors, evidence tampering, theft by deception, abuse of corpse, and corruption.  

LifeNews describes the courtroom testimony:
“I can’t describe it. It sounded like a little alien,” West testified, telling a judge and Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas jury that the body of the child was about 18 to 24 inches long and was one of the largest babies she had seen delivered during abortion procedures at Gosnell’s clinic. 
West said she saw the child, whose face and features were not yet completely formed, lying on a glass tray on a shelf and she told a co-worker to call Gosnell about it and fled the room.
During her two years working for Gosnell, West said she also saw patients deliver “specimens” in the toilet, which she made a co-worker remove, adding she called aborted fetuses “specimens” because “it was easier to deal with mentally.” 
She also testified that she saw many women come in who looked like they were too far along in their pregnancies to have abortions. 
 Gosnell and several of his staffers were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges following a raid on his business that unearthed a "shop of horrors" filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased children and babies killed in infanticides.

Several women have spoken out about their treatment at Gosnell's clinic.  One patient was sent home with fetal parts still inside of her.  Even after infection set it, Gosnell insisted that she was fine.  By the time her mother got her to the emergency room, she was unconscious and near death.  Another patient was injured so badly during her abortion that she ultimately required open-heart surgery to repair the damage.

The grand jury investigation also show that state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell's abortion center.

If convicted, Gosnell will likely face the death penalty.